Dr. Mastrangelo understands what a pilot's life can be like. Every effort will be made to accommodate you. Our goal is to provide you with the most convenient, stress-free environment to complete your aviation medical requirements in a timely, efficient manner.
Transport Canada and FAA (Class 1, 2 and 3) aviation medicals.
Personal consultations and information concerning measures to prevent or manage various medical conditions relevant to pilots and the aviation community.
Nearby labs perform ECG's when necessary:
Lifelabs (2.48 km) 1960 Appleby Line, Unit 27 (@Upper Middle Rd) (905) 336-7224 www.lifelabs.com/
Gamma-Dynacare Medical Laboratories (9 km) 2951 Walker's Line (@Dundas St) (905) 592-2276 website
Lifelabs Medical Laboratory Services (6.4 km) 3155 Harvester Rd, Ste 102 (just E of Guelph Line) (416) 675-3637 website
KMH Labs (Burlington, Hamilton & Mississauga) 1-877-564-5227 website
Oakville Cardiologists (905) 849-6799 website
Personal consultations and information concerning measures to prevent or manage various medical conditions relevant to pilots and the aviation community.
Nearby labs perform ECG's when necessary:
Lifelabs (2.48 km) 1960 Appleby Line, Unit 27 (@Upper Middle Rd) (905) 336-7224 www.lifelabs.com/
Gamma-Dynacare Medical Laboratories (9 km) 2951 Walker's Line (@Dundas St) (905) 592-2276 website
Lifelabs Medical Laboratory Services (6.4 km) 3155 Harvester Rd, Ste 102 (just E of Guelph Line) (416) 675-3637 website
KMH Labs (Burlington, Hamilton & Mississauga) 1-877-564-5227 website
Oakville Cardiologists (905) 849-6799 website
Appointments can be arranged on short notice throughout the week as well as Saturday and Sunday.
For Appointments Contact:
E-mail: 4aviationmedicine@gmail.com (preferred) Mobile: 905-599-0657 Fax: 1-866-867-0613 |
1100 Burloak Drive, Suite 300, Burlington, ON L7L 6B2 The office is located in an executive building with easy access to the Q.E.W. and plenty of free parking. |